Sunday, April 12, 2009

CS-612 PC Software and Application Skills

Course Code : CS-612
Course Title : PC Software and Application Skills
Assignment Number : BCA(2)-612/Assignment/2009
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of submission : 30th April, 2009/30th October, 2009


Q.1 (i) Explain in detail all the options/items on the Menu bar and Tool bar of
Internet Explorer.
(ii) What is Internet Firewall? Find Internet Firewall by browsing the internet. List the browsed URLs and the information associated with them.

Toolbar Buttons

Highlight: Type keywords into the toolbar search box and click this button to highlight
all the words on the web page that match.
• Search This Site: Type keywords into the toolbar search box, and click this button to
get results only for the current web site.
• Pop-Up Blocker: Stop unwanted pop-up ads, and allow only the pop-ups you want to
• Anti-Spy: Scan your PC for spyware and adware.
• Yahoo! Music Engine: Show YME controls in the toolbar. ( Yahoo! Toolbar version
6.1 and newer.)
Search Box
• Size: Choose the width of the search box. (Extra Large, Large, Medium, and Small.)
• Remember Recent Searches: Keep a recent history of searched terms in a menu.
• Auto-clear Recent Searches when quitting IE: Keep the recent history only for the
current session, and delete the history every time you quit IE.
More Options
• Show icons only without names: Only display button icons; do not display button
• Show mail alert when I have new Yahoo! Mail: Display an alert when you receive
new Yahoo! Mail messages.
• Enable Smart Tools when selecting text: Show Yahoo! Smart Tools button when
selecting text in a web page. ( Yahoo! Toolbar version 6.1 and newer.)
• Enable Feature Tips: Show tips about Yahoo! Toolbar features and functionality.
(Yahoo! Toolbar version 6.2 and newer.)
Menu bar
Internet Explorer Menu ItemsFile Menu
The first item on the menu bar at the top of your browser is File. When you click
on the File Menu a pull down menu appears and it lists several items. The first one
is New. When you move your cursor down to New, it shows several other choices
to the right.
The first one is Window. This allows you to open a new window. The Message
option allows you to send a new email message. Post allows you to post a
message to your newsgroup. Contact helps you to establish a new contact (open
an address book). Internet Call will allow you to establish an internet call using
Net meeting – an information sharing application.
Open is the second item in the File menu. When you click on this it opens a dialog
box. You can type a website address here and it will open a new website in your
Edit with Microsoft FrontPage Editor opens a web page editing program.
Save and Save As open the Save dialog box. It works the same way these
commands work in other programs.
Page Setup allows you to make changes in the way the page is printed. This is a
wise option to explore before printing a web page. Don’t assume that the page
will print in the same format as your word processor; many pages need to be
adjusted a bit.
Print allows you to print the webpage. (See Print section in Using the Internet
Explorer Browser section).
The Send command allows you to send a web page, or a link to a page, by email.
It also has an option to send (make) a shortcut to the site on your desktop.
Import and Export opens the Wizard to the right.
Properties shows you the properties of the current website page.
Work Offline allows you to disconnect from the Internet and still view or work with
a web page. You will only be able to see that one page that is on your browser
when you disconnect. If you click on hyperlinks in the website they won’t work
until you reconnect to the Internet.
Close closes the browser. It works the same way as if you click on the X in the
upper right hand corner of the browser.
Edit MenuThe Edit menu contains many of the commands that are common to most
Microsoft programs. Its contents include: Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All and Find.
The Find command only finds items on the open website page.
View MenuThe Toolbars option allows you to choose what toolbars are available. Toolbars
contains a customize choice. This is where you go to add and remove buttons
from the main toolbar.
The Status Bar is the bar at the bottom of the web page. You can turn it off here if
you choose.
The Explorer Bar choice lets you use the Search, Favorites, and History functions.
These commands are also on the Standard Button toolbar.
The option to view the Tip of the Day is also available here.
Go To command: The first three selections of the Go To command work the same
as the buttons on the standard buttons toolbar. This is followed by a list of the
sites that you have visited this session. There is a check mark by the current site.
The Stop and Refresh buttons. When you click on Stop the website that is loading
into your browser will stop loading. This can be useful when a website takes a
long time to load and you don’t want to wait for it. Refresh is a good button to hit
when you are viewing a website that changes often. (For example,
The Text Size allows you to change the size of the words and images in the
webpage as discussed in the section Using the Internet Explorer Browser.
Source opens up a small window with programming language.
Privacy Report lets you set your privacy options.
Full Screen will make your screen slightly larger. It does this by covering the
toolbars. Click on the darkened Restore button to return to normal view.
Favorites MenuThe Favorites pull down menu allows you to Add to Favorites and to organize
Favorites. This choice is very useful if you collect a lot of sites in Favorites. You
can organize them into folders that make sense for you. For example, you can
you can create a file called “Vacation” and put all the websites that relate to your
vacation plans in that folder.
The Organize Favorites dialog box allows you to Create, Rename, Move, and
Delete favorites.
Tools MenuThe Tools pull down menu allows access to various dialog boxes and commands.
Tools seems to be Microsoft’s version of the miscellaneous bin.
The first item is Mail and News. This provides access to your email program
directly from the browser. It also gives you a quick, easy way to send Links and
Windows Update provides a quick link to Microsoft’s update web site. This site
supplies you with the newest updates to Windows 98, if you wish to have them.
Show Related Links may, or may not, give you a list of useful related links, but it
has some amusement value. What is the relationship between the weather in
Augusta and pictures of Pretoria?
Internet OptionsThis is the last item in the Tools menu. We will spend some time with the Internet
Options Dialog Box because it controls the decisions that your browser makes for
The first section of this box is the Home Page section. Here you can change your
home page by simply typing the website address into the box.
The second section, Temporary Internet files, allows two functions. The first is to
Delete Files. This gives you an opportunity to delete the temporary files that are
saved to make the browser work faster. You probably don’t need to do this unless
your computer has a hard drive that is almost full.
The Settings button in Temporary Internet files gives you control over how often
you update stored pages. It lets you decide how much drive space you want to
allocate to temporary file storage. Older files will automatically be dumped if disk
capacity is exceeded.
The History section allows you to clear the history, or to set how many days you
want to keep the history of sites you have visited.
The Colors button lets you change the colors that are used. You can play with this
feature to see how it applies to different web pages.
The Fonts button allows you to choose the font that a site will display if the site
doesn’t specify what font it wants to use. Note that a site will sometimes demand
a font that your machine doesn’t support. In that case it will choose a different
font to display.
The Accessibility button alllows you to format the way that the type face will be
displayed. This is especially useful for people with visual impairments.
The Security tab doesn’t need to be changed in most cases. Increasing security
decreases content. Unless you are on an Intranet, you can just leave this be.
The Content tab has three sections. The Content Advisor section gives you some
control over the language, nudity, sex, and violence content of sites. This is not a
substitute for parental oversight. You also have to realize that restricting viewing
of certain content can reduce search results. For example, eliminating all mention
of sex could mean that an animal behavior search would come up nearly empty.
The Connections tab is where you put internet connection setup information. You
only need to use this when you first set up the program.
The Programs tab is where you place setup information about which programs the
system will automatically use for internet functions. You might need to change
this if you make a change in your email program.

Q.1 (ii) What is Internet Firewall? Find Internet Firewall by browsing the Internet. List the browsed URLs and the information associated with them.
Ans-1 ii-Internet Firewall

A firewall is an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized
electronic access to a networked computer system. It is also a device or set of devices
configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all computer traffic between different
security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria.
A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. Firewalls can
be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are
frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks
connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet
pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the
specified security criteria.
There are several types of firewall techniques:
1. Packets filter: Looks at each packet entering or leaving the network and accepts or
rejects it based on user-defined rules. Packet filtering is fairly effective and transparent
to users, but it is difficult to configure. In addition, it is susceptible to IP spoofing.
2. Application gateway: Applies security mechanisms to specific applications, such as
FTP and Telnet servers. This is very effective, but can impose performance
3. Circuit-level gateway: Applies security mechanisms when a TCP or UDP connection is
established. Once the connection has been made, packets can flow between the hosts
without further checking.
4. Proxy server: Intercepts all messages entering and leaving the network. The proxy
server effectively hides the true network addresses.
Browserd URLs
Gives the techniques of Firewall.
Free Firewall Antivirus Software Download by Comodo
Understanding Windows Firewall
Try Zone Alarm anti virus and internet firewall by Check Point Software free. Computer
security software includes virus scan and anti-spyware protection

Q.2 (a) Find the smallest number n, which has the following properties:
i) Its decimal representation has 4 as the last digit;
ii) It is divisible by 6 and 8.
iii) It is a square number

(b) For any prime p >= 5, prove that p2+2 is composite.


b)For p=5

Q.3 Explain with example how charts are used in analysis. Also explain the different types of charts available in Excel.


Charts are an integral part of technical analysis for both price and volume data. However, this
technical analysis is based on historical data and therefore would give you a visual of what has
already occurred with regard to the price and volume movement or action of the stock under study.
It enables the technical analyst to guesstimate as regards the future expected price and volume
action with respect to the stock under study. You may realize that here we are talking in terms of
the probability of the occurrence of an event; like a price up move or down move.
Chart analysis is sometimes also referred to as the "windmills of the mind". However, they have as
much use to the analyst as has fundamental analysis.
Microsoft Excel supports many kinds of charts to help you display data in ways that are meaningful to your
audience. When you use the Chart Wizard to create a chart — or when you use the Chart Type command to
change an existing chart — you can easily select the type you want from a list of standard or custom chart types.
For an overview of some standard chart types and their subtypes, click any or all of the following:
Column charts
Clustered Column This type of chart compares values across categories. It is also available with a 3-
D visual effect. As shown in the following chart, categories are organized horizontally, and values vertically,
to emphasize variation over time.
Stacked Column This type of chart shows the relationship of individual items to the whole, comparing
the contribution of each value to a total across categories. It is also available with a 3-D visual effect.
100% Stacked Column This type of chart compares the percentage each value contributes to a total
across categories. It is also available with a 3-D visual effect.
3-D Column This type of chart compares data points along two axes. For example, in the following 3-
D chart, you can compare four quarters of sales performance in Europe with the performance of two other
Bar charts
Clustered Bar This type of chart compares values across categories. It is also available with a 3-D
visual effect. In the following chart, categories are organized vertically, and values horizontally, to place focus
on comparing the values.
Stacked Bar This type of chart show the relationship of individual items to the whole. It is also
available with a 3-D visual effect.
100 % Stacked Bar This type of chart compares the percentage each value contributes to a total
across categories. It is also available with a 3-D visual effect.
Line charts
Line This type of chart displays trends over time or categories. It is also available with markers
displayed at each data value.
Stacked Line This type of chart displays the trend of the contribution of each value over time or
categories. It is also available with markers displayed at each data value.
100% Stacked Line This type of chart displays the trend of the percentage each value contributes
over time or categories. It is also available with markers displayed at each data value.
3-D Line This is a line chart with a 3-D visual effect.
Pie charts
Pie This type of chart displays the contribution of each value to a total. It is also available with a 3-D
visual effect, as shown in the following chart.
Exploded Pie This type of chart displays the contribution of each value to a total while emphasizing
individual values. It is also available with a 3-D visual effect.
Pie of Pie This is a pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a second pie. For
example, to make small slices easier to see, you can group them together as one item in a pie chart and then
break down that item in a smaller pie or bar chart next to the main chart.
Bar of Pie This is a pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a stacked bar.
XY (Scatter) charts
Scatter This type of chart compares pairs of values. For example, the following scatter chart shows
uneven intervals (or clusters) of two sets of data.
When you arrange your data for a scatter chart, place x values in one row or column, and then enter
corresponding y values in the adjacent rows or columns.
Scatter with Data Points Connected by Lines This type of chart can be displayed with or without
straight or smoothed connecting lines between data points. These lines can be displayed with or without
Area charts
Area This type of chart displays the trend of values over time or categories. It is also available with a
3-D visual effect. By displaying the sum of the plotted values, an area chart also shows the relationship of
parts to a whole. For example, the following area chart emphasizes increased sales in Washington and
illustrates the contribution of each state to total sales.
Stacked Area This type of chart displays the trend of the contribution of each value over time or
categories. It is also available with a 3-D visual effect.
100% Stacked Area This chart type displays the trend of the percentage each value contributes over
time or categories. It is also available with a 3-D visual effect.
Doughnut charts
Doughnut This type of chart displays data in rings, where each ring represents a data series. For
example, in the following chart, the inner ring represents gas tax revenues, and the outer ring represents
property tax revenues.
Exploded Doughnut This chart type is like an exploded pie chart, but it can contain more than one
data series.
Radar charts
Radar This type of chart displays changes in values relative to a center point. It can be displayed with
markers for each data point. For example, in the following radar chart, the data series that covers the most
area, Brand A, represents the brand with the highest vitamin content.
Filled Radar In this type of chart, the area covered by a data series is filled with a color.
Surface charts
3-D Surface This type of chart shows trends in values across two dimensions in a continuous curve.
For example, the following surface chart shows the various combinations of temperature and time that result
in the same measure of tensile strength. The colors in this chart represent specific ranges of values.
Displayed without color, a 3-D surface chart is called a wireframe 3-D surface chart.
Contour This is a surface chart viewed from above, where colors represent specific ranges of values.
Displayed without color, this chart type is called a Wireframe Contour.
Bubble charts
Stock charts
High-Low-Close The high-low-close chart is often used to illustrate stock prices. It requires three
series of values in the following order (high, low, and then close).
Open-High-Low-Close This type of chart requires four series of values in the correct order (open,
high, low, and then close).
Volume-High-Low-Close This type of chart requires four series of values in the correct order
(volume, high, low, and then close). The following stock chart measures volume using two value axes: one
for the columns that measure volume, and the other for the stock prices.
Volume-Open-High-Low-Close This type of chart requires five series of values in the correct order
(volume, open, high, low, and then close).
Cylinder, Cone, or Pyramid charts
Column, Stacked Column, or 100% Stacked Column The columns in these types of chart are
represented by cylindrical, conical, or pyramid shapes.
Bar, Stacked Bar, or 100% Stacked Bar The bars in these types of chart are represented by
cylindrical, conical, or pyramid shapes.
3-D Column The 3-D columns in this type of chart are represented by cylindrical, conical, or pyramid

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